Reviews of 'Chiseled by Time'
DisCerning Eye                                              March 3, 2025
by Mark Jenkins
reviews of Washington area exhibitions
THE HEAVY STONES IN THE FOREGROUND OF TOM SLITER'S photographs appear implacable and invulnerable. But the forces that have shaped them over millennia can be discerned in the backgrounds of the pictures in "Chiseled by Time: Sculpture of the Mojave Desert," the local artist's Multiple Exposures Gallery show. Hot sunlight, soft clouds, and dark skies represent the environment that has gradually eroded the rocky landscapes into their current forms.
Sliter's statement calls his subjects "nature's own Zen gardens," and stones do dominate the pictures in this series. The photographer conveys both the sheer bulk of the boulders and their intricate textures, which he accents by adding sepia toning to the black-and-white digital images. The gently grainy surfaces are set off by shadowy crevices and occasional scraps of spiky or prickly vegetation, blooming improbably from the rock.
Above are skies, presumably blue to the naked eye, that often verge on black. Whether this effect is achieved with filters or computer imaging, the ebony heavens dramatically frame the gray stones and white wisps of cloud. They also suggest the power of wind and rain that, over time, wear and gouge the chunky stone loaves and near-orbs.
All the pictures are medium shots that verge on closeups, save for one widescreen composition. Intriguingly, Sliter carefully tears the edges of his prints. The ragged borders echo the violence of erosion and tectonic shifts, but they also show the presence of the creator. In the digital age, Sliter demonstrates the power of still doing some things by hand.
Images from the Mojave Sculpture portfolio at now on exhibit at the
Alexandria, Virginia  USA  22314
from January 27 through March 9, 2025

Welcome to my photography gallery.  For me, the images on the following pages reveal an innate  passion, sometimes for the subject matter, but always for an inherent artistry.  At first glance, as they are still images, they appear frozen in time, an unchanging view of a certain time and place.  But if you pause for a bit, or revisit them -- hours, days, months later -- you can see them differently.  They can reveal something else, something more.  And that is the characteristic of a good photograph (and good art, in general).  It is not just what the image brings to you, but what you bring to the experience of viewing it that provides the necessary synergy. Not just now, but over time.
As with most artistic endeavors, this website is a work in progress.  Periodically, I refresh it, not only with my latest images, but with re-imaginings of older work as I, too, look anew at old friends from a different perspective.  
Still photography in an era of videos, black and white in an age of color, and prints in a time of Instagram could be seen as the hat trick of anachronism.  But I think that each of those contrasts helps reinforce the emotional connection between image and viewer.  So I hope you will enjoy looking at my photographs and that you will come back to them from time to time for the prospect of a deeper engagement. 
By way of background, I began serious work as a fine art photographer in 2014.  Among my earliest inspirations were the works of Ansel Adams and Edward and Brett Weston for their mastery of composition and the subtleties of grayscale and Margaret Bourke-White for the boldness and beauty with which she portrayed the natural and man-made world. It was these masters who guided my choice of the black and white medium and the fine art print as its ultimate expression. 
Today, I remain captivated by the ability of a good black and white print to isolate the essence of light and shadow, of shape and texture, while evoking a deeper range of emotions. Within an image, I look for a sweep of curves and lines, shadows, textures and a perspective that prompts a lingering connection with each viewing. 
Most of my work uses Olympus and Nikon digital cameras, Lightroom, Photoshop, and Nik software for most post-processing, and an Epson 3880 printer and Canson, Moab, and Red River archival papers for printing.
Thank you for visiting.  Enjoy!

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